A product is successfully developed when it can be successfully positioned in the market – not when it works technically flawlessly. A systematic value engineering process can significantly increase the chances of successful market positioning.
Machine & Special purpose machinery
Value Engineering 360°
Value Engineering 360° is a comprehensive product review that illuminates all aspects of a product. Thus, aspects such as efficient production and assembly, reliability, packaging and logistics, and sustainability are evaluated early on, and the product is designed accordingly.
Value Engineering Plus
Even in the context of re-engineering, customer value can be generated thanks to the Value Engineering Plus process. A designated expert (Value Engineer) is always available to implement the Value Engineering processes and accompanies the development team as a sparring partner during product development and industrialization. As the 'godparent' of the product, he primarily feels responsible for a successful market positioning.
Classic engineering
As a leading industrialisation partner, SwissFactory Engineering AG offers production-related engineering services to support their customers from development to series production. With us, in addition to using the latest design tools, the proximity to production is particularly pronounced.
Functional models, breadboards, and prototypes can be built and tested near development. The production of the prototypes is closely accompanied by development so that all product knowledge flows together in one place. A department specifically specialized for prototype orders and a complete qualification program can be created and carried out in production.
Special purpose machinery
With experienced teams of engineers and designers, project managers with extensive experience, and welding specialist engineers, we can also handle complex projects as total or general contractors.
The competencies of SwissFactory Engineering AG lie in the development and industrialization of B2B products. It offers its production-related engineering services for high-tech industries such as MedTech, semiconductors, vacuum, optics, measurement technology or aerospace, and traditional industries such as the machine, power generation or automotive industry. With Zühlke Engineering, SwissFactory Engineering AG is building a competence centre for Value Engineering. With the innovative Value Engineering 360° process, apparatus, devices and machines in the B2B sector will be positioned more successfully in the market.
Two employees. Foundation of the Engineering department within Stoppani AG. Development of a dosing system for highly viscous liquids
5 employees. Building specific know-how in sheet metal construction
Development contract for Intel, various orders in food refrigeration and medical technology.
Building detailed knowledge in vacuum applications. Mass spectrometer development, development orders for the semiconductor industry and tool machine manufacturers
The Engineering department becomes the company SwissFactory Engineering AG as part of the SwissFactory. Group
12 employees. Integration of Qualitrie Company. Additional office in Langenthal
More start-up projects and many contacts that came into the Group via Stoppani Contract Manufacturing AG and were successfully guided from the engineering to the industrialisation phase.